Monday, February 29, 2016

Advanced/Interactive Meal Plan System

Advanced/Interactive  Meal Plan System $100

Our new meal plan system is now available.

It's been a long Time in the making and we finally have it ready for everyone! Here's what it Includes:
A totally personalized meal plan that takes into account every single detail that can help contribute to consistent predictable results such as weight, body fat %, activity, and goals. anything that changes with your body or lifestyle, your diet will automatically update all the necessary places to assure results. That's right! From macros adjustments to exact portion updates all at click of a button.

 This meal plan doesn't just include macros. Its a totally responsive meal plan inclusive of foods and portions that are geared towards the specific stats that you enter.

Don't like the foods we choose? No problem😃 we built in a "build your own meal plan option" so you can design your own plan and still get results. 

Also all these items come with our new meal plan system:
a Measurement spreadsheet for recording progress

👉How To Video (basically us telling you how to edit/get the most out of your meal plan

👉How To Track Macros Using MyFitnessPal Video

👉20 Minute How To Meal Prep Video (I take you through my own personal meal prep plus tips and tricks so that it doesn't take all day)

👉12 Minute Hidden Calories Video (josh takes you through common pitfalls and mistakes that dieters make)

👉Supplement discounts
@isolatorfitness discounts
50% off membership website coupon
NOW THERES to ways to purchase 

Non members: purchase below

Members: log in to your membership on and purchase the one time meal plan ($50)


We are also offering this FOR FREE to current/past clients. Simply respond to the last email communication that you and I had and let me know if you want to cut, maintain, or bulk! This includes EVERYONE who has ever used our meal plans (including challenge participants as well). We value loyalty :)

                                                         Thank you!!

Thursday, October 8, 2015



This program is all about building the most amount of muscle genetically possible. I've designed this program with the most current research and science available on the subject of building muscle and strength. Everything thats in the Freak Physique training program is a 100% based off of real science and case studies done on real subjects. NO FLUFF HERE.
whats included in this program:
- A 10 week mass gaining diet designed to build the most amount of muscle without gaining fat
- A cardio program to assure cardio vascular health and little to no fat gain
- A 10 week complete step by step training program that will lay out each workout in great detail
- Instructional videos for each and every unique exercise. Insuring you're doing everything correctly without improper form
- direct access to me via email for 10 weeks for any and all questions regarding the program
-HEIGHT AND WEIGHT (That way I can make sure I give you the correct massing gaining diet)
-All Your Measurements heres the list below: Note When You Measure, You Need To Be In The Full Flexed Position.
Here’s The List Of Measurements I Want You To Take:
1: Both Arms
2: Both Legs (Measured Around The Quad & Hamstring)

3: Chest (Around Back And Under Arm Pits & Over The Chest)
4: Shoulders (Around Whole Body)
5: Stomach (Measured At Belly Button)
6: Both Calves
7: Neck 


Monday, March 2, 2015

2015 Bowmar Fitness Package Specials

                              Below Are My  NEW 2015 Bowmar Fitness Consultation Specials

Choose From The Following:                                                                                                                                  

2015 Current Rates
Once You Purchase I Will Need The Following Information Emailed To Me Promptly After Purchasing At Bowmarfitness@Gmail.Com:
- Gender
- Age
- Height
- Body Fat % (If Known) If not known Please Attach before Pictures (front,back,both sides)
- Food Allergies

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

My Favorite Supplement Stack For Ultimate Health

Josh's Daily Supplements

Below are the supplements that I take daily, their function, and their price.

To order, go to and click on your country. Create a customer account and enter my sponsoring ID US00410353. Entering my ID will allow you to become a preferred customer and you will receive wholesale pricing on supplements.

I highly recommend signing up for automatic shipment. Supplements are great but taking a 1 month supply of a vitamin when you have been damaging your body for 25+ years will make a difference but it definitely won't get you to your optimal state unless you take it consistently.  When you sign up for automatic shipment (the program is called ADR), you will receive 5% off the wholesale pricing, discounted shipping, free gifts at months 1, 2, and 9, and 20% back on whatever you spend into a savings that you can use for future purchases on products.

As an added holiday bonus, for anyone who signs up for over $100 on ADR (automatic shipping), you will receive my 2 month training guide for free. Just email me once your order is complete and I will send it over to you! Email:

Here's a video as well that I recommend everyone watch before placing their order to truly understand and appreciate the science and technology that goes into all of these products:

I also fully understand that everyone may not have the budget to purchase all the supplements that I take (and that's OK!). I have listed them in the order of importance (in my personal opinion).

Here we go....

LifePak Nano Multivitamin
The holy grail of vitamins. The cream of the crop. The best of the best. The Catalina wine mixer of vitamins.
Daily pack of vitamins that includes:
Fish Oils: protect and nourish cells. Promotes brain function with the most potent fish oil in the world
Vitamin and Mineral blend: supports health heart function, support cellular function and promote eye health, improves CoQ10 availability, provides 60+ antioxidants, TeaGreen 97 protects DNA, phytonutrients equivalent to 5-10 fruits and vegetables, supports cardiovascular health, helps maintain a health immune system, builds and maintains strong bones, and corrects nutritional deficiencies.
ADR Price: $125

AgeLoc R2
The combination of the night and day system allow your mind and body to work together to perform at their absolute best.
This combination of the night and day system target aging at the source and allow you to feel young and vibrant again. If you are over 18 and have ever felt tired (ummm, all of us?), then you need this product. You will wake up feeling recharged each day because the night system helps your body remove toxic byproducts and cellular waste. The day system aids in returning cells to their normal functions and 90% of consumers felt a considerably noticeable change in their energy levels while taking this product NOT TO MENTION it will dramatically increase your cardio vascular endurance thus making workouts much easier.
ADR Price: $100 (and never have to buy coffee again!)

G3 Juice
Grown up juice juice.
Important ingredients: gac fruit, chinese lycium, cili fruit, and siberian pineapple
The combination of the four super fruits provide powerful antioxidant protection, 70 times more potent that a tomato and 60 times more potent than carrots. This will allow for cellular rejuvenation, DNA protection, free radical damage protection, and support healthy immune functions.
ADR Price: $44.65

Probiotics unlike anything at GNC. Most probiotics sold at stores have billions of live bacteria "promised" on the label. Why on earth would there need to be so many in a pill? Because many die in the stomach before they even reach their destination of the intestines. Pharmanex has coated their probiotics in a fat soluble capsule to ensure preservation of the probiotics until it hits your intestines.
Price: $26.50

Combination of soluble and insoluble fiber to aid those who have a high protein diet or those who do not have regular bathroom visits. A must for everyone who lifts.
ADR Price: $19.35

These supplements are just the ones that I personally take (there are a few more but I didn't want to overwhelm you). If you have a specific need, I would recommend taking a look through the website, there are over 200 products to thumb through that can truly make a positive difference in your life.